Dr. Brad Sievert corrects chips, gaps, and other cosmetic concerns in one visit with Dental Bonding

In one visit to Westlake Family Dentistry in Lake Oswego, Oregon, we can transform stubbornly stained, chipped, irregularly shaped, gapped, worn, and otherwise “imperfect” teeth! In the skilled hands of Dr. Brad Sievert, dental bonding treatment disguises many cosmetic irregularities precisely and naturally. In this way, you achieve or restore a balanced, attractive smile.

Candidates for bonding

Many patients can benefit from bonding. As with all procedures at our office, Dr. Sievert starts by evaluating your teeth and gums. He confirms that your mouth is healthy. If active gum disease or other conditions are found, they must be resolved before moving forward with cosmetic or elective treatments. Likewise, some seemingly “cosmetic” conditions (such as stains) may actually indicate problems such as cavities. Alternative treatments, including dental restorations like tooth-colored fillings, may be recommended in those cases.

Dr. Sievert will also discuss the cosmetic concerns that you wish to repair. A few of the conditions that can be conservatively, quickly, and easily fixed with bonding include:

  • Chips
  • Discoloration that does not respond to professional bleaching
  • Small fractures or chips
  • Mild gaps, other spacing issues
  • Worn-down or overly short teeth
  • Poorly-shaped teeth

Other alternative treatments include orthodontic systems like Invisalign® for misalignment or bite problems, as well as porcelain veneers.

Before & After Treatment Images

  • Patient presented with chipped front tooth
  • Tooth was repaired with bonding in one appointment
  • Patient was very satisfied with the outcome and the overall experience
Bonding Before After 02 - Westlake Family Dentistry
  • Patient had a discolored tooth from a very young age
  • Bonding was used to cover up the defect in one appointment
  • Patient has been happy with outcome for over 10 years
Bonding Before After 01 - Westlake Family Dentistry

The process

If your mouth is healthy and we determine bonding is the most appropriate way to get your confident smile, Dr. Sievert will prepare the material to be bonded to the front surfaces of your teeth. Once the material is precisely bonded (or secured) to the teeth, it effectively covers up flaws. Preparation involves perfectly color-matching the material to the surrounding natural teeth. The material is a composite resin, which is applied as a putty to clean teeth. Once applied, Dr. Sievert uses his artistic skill to shape the resin. After he seamlessly molds the material over uneven spaces, unevenly-textured surfaces, or other imperfections, it is hardened with a specialized UV light to create a strong bond between the natural tooth and the resin. As a finishing touch, small refinements are made, and the treated teeth are polished to a natural, stunning luster.

The benefits

Patients appreciate that bonding is fast, can be completed in a single visit, and does not require the removal of natural tooth enamel. As such, bonding is also a reversible, conservative, and well-tolerated procedure (since the tooth is not altered, risks of tooth sensitivity are eliminated, and no anesthetic is required). Bonding is also a cost-effective way to get a dramatically improved-looking smile.

Resin can stain. So, it is important to refrain from smoking or drinking coffee and other staining beverages for at least two hours after treatment. We can also recommend ways to protect your bonded teeth. For instance, if we suspect that you grind your teeth at night (that could be why you ended up with chipped teeth in the first place!), Dr. Sievert may discuss designing a custom night guard to protect the investment that you’ve made in your smile.

Porcelain veneers are a stain-resistant alternative to dental bonding; however, as an “indirect restoration,” a small amount of enamel must be removed from each tooth to make room for the veneer. Unlike bonding, the veneer is a thin layer of porcelain placed on top of the reduced or prepared tooth surface. It is not applied directly to the tooth as a putty-like material and, later, shaped by your dentist.

To find out more about each treatment option, schedule an appointment today. Call us at (503) 386-4164.